Inclusive Dance Workshop: Improvisation and Composition
This workshop is based on structured improvisation, instant composition and using sensation as a starting point for the creation of an individual physical language. Movement is not fixed but defined in each moment. Alone, as a group and often working with a partner, the dancers explore and broaden their movement vocabulary and decide about its composition in time and space. Fine tuning our listening towards our own body and each other, we search for new movement patterns and dive into a state of curiosity, presence and play.
Teacher Training for inclusive dance facilitation
ENG. The Teacher Training is an opportunity of professional development for dance teachers and dance artists with an interest in inclusive practice and community dance. The focus lies on artistic work with diverse and mixed groups, (disabled and non-disabled participants, intercultural and intergenerational groups, participants of different backgrounds and dance experience).
The teacher training is practice-oriented and provides insight into my artistic work, dance pedagogical approaches and experience of leading inclusive dance projects internationally.
Among other things, we will deal with the following questions and thematic blocks both theoretically and practically:
What does the theory say? principles of inclusive dance practice
How is it put into practice? awareness of space, moving with a group, structured improvisation, contact work, contemporary dance technique
How to implement it into my own teaching? participants facilitate an exercise from their own practice in a small group, reflecting on it together afterwards
Questions are more important than answers, the Teacher Training is not about delivering a ready-made instruction manual for inclusive practice, but above all about stimulating creativity and collecting one's own tools for inclusive dance facilitation. The aim is to apply what has been learned to one's own practice, to raise challenging questions and to facilitate shared learning.
Teacher Training für inklusive Tanzvermittlung
DE. Das Teacher Training ist eine Möglichkeit der professionellen Weiterbildung für Tanzpädagog:innen und Tänzer:innen mit Interesse an inklusiver Praxis und Community Dance. Dabei steht die künstlerische Arbeit mit diversen und gemischten Gruppen im Vordergrund (behinderte und nicht behinderte Teilnehmer:innen, interkulturelle und generationenübergreifende Gruppen, Teilnehmer:innen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund und Tanzerfahrung).
Das Teacher Training ist praxisorientiert und vermittelt Einblick in meine künstlerische Arbeit, tanzpädagogischen Ansätze und meine langjährige Erfahrung in der Leitung inklusiver Tanzprojekte.
Wir setzen uns unter anderem mit folgenden Fragen und Themenblöcken sowohl theoretisch wie praktisch auseinander:
Wie sagt die Theorie? Prinzipien inklusiver Tanzpraxis
Wie wird sie in die Praxis umgesetzt? Bewusstsein für den Raum, Bewegung in der Gruppe, Improvisation, Arbeit mit Berührung, zeitgenössische Tanztechnik
Wie kann ich Gelerntes im eigenen Unterricht umsetzen? Die Teilnehmer:innen leiten eine Übung aus der eigenen Praxis in einer kleinen Gruppe an, welche diese im Anschluss gemeinsam reflektiert
Fragen sind wichtiger als Antworten, es geht im Teacher Training nicht um das Überliefern einer fertigen Gebrauchsanweisung für inklusive Tanz-Praxis, sondern vor allem darum, die Kreativität zu stimulieren und eigenes Werkzeug für die inklusive Tanzpädagogik zu sammeln. Gelerntes soll auf die eigene Praxis angewandt, herausfordernde Fragen aufgeworfen und ein gemeinsames Lernen ermöglicht werden.
—> Insight into the Teacher Training 2022, and follow up Teacher Training 2023 (mentoring) for sense the steps, Hamburg
Diversity in the Performing Arts, BLOG entry written for FAIRSPEC, October 2022
Overview inclusive work
Commissioned Work for Inclusive Dance Companys: Forward Dance Company Leipzig, TanzFlug Zürich, Dançando com a Diferença Madeira, Beweggrund Bern, Candoco Dance Company London, Ballet ID Jakarta
2023-2026 tanzlab Norderstedt, Community Dance Project in collaboration with the Office for Culture and Education of the City of Norderstedt and sense-the-steps Hamburg
2023 Dance Limerick, Inclusive Training Day for dance paedagogues
2022/23 sense-the-steps, Hamburg, Teacher Training Inklusive Tanzvermittlung / inclusive teaching practice, sense the steps_teacher training 2022
2022 Inklusiver Tanzkongress Bremen, International Symposium
2021 Webinar - Zugang zu Kultur: Teilhabe und künstlerische Qualität organised by Christoph Merian Stiftung Basel, wildwuchs and IntegrART
2020 Mit Tanz zur Toleranz/Projekt Seite an Seite, Hamburg, Inclusive Dance Workshop
2019 Tanz_bar Bremen, Symposium: ‘TANZ INKLUSIV - vom Werden und Sein’, Schwankhalle Bremen
Dançando com a Diferença, Madeira/Portugal, choreographic research / newspaper article on my work with the Company
Making A Difference, Uferstudios Berlin, Inclusive Teacher Training
2018 Making A Difference, Uferstudios Berlin, Inclusive Teacher Training
BewegGrund Bern, Inclusive Dance Workshop
Tanzfähig Berlin, Inclusive Dance Workshop
2017 2nd Indonesian Ballet Gala, Jakarta/ID, CLOUD PASSADE, Choreographic Commission, Candoco Dance Company/Ballet ID Jakarta
2016/17 TLT Tanz Luzerner Theater (Kathleen Mc Nurney), Lucerne/CH, Teacher Training / Mentoring
2016 Wellcome Collection London, DISPLAY, Choreographic Commission Candoco Dance Company
2015 Lagos/Nigeria, professional mentorship for emerging Nigerian choreographers, Candoco Dance Company
2012 Festival Tanz!Heilbronn, Heilbronn/DE, Inclusive Dance Project, Candoco Dance Company
2012 - present Associate Artist Candoco Dance Company London
International teaching, facilitating workshops and teacher training (UK, Germany, India, Ukraine, Nigeria, Armenia, Belgium, Jakarta etc.).
Images: teacher training Hamburg and creating work with Candoco Dance Company London ©sense-the-steps/Candoco Dance Company