PLAY (theatre)
©Kristian Breitenbach
Driven by the powerful sound of a one-woman band, four dancers take the audience on a journey through different states of play. Along the axis between order and chaos, they question notions of control, power and risk and seek the immediacy of the intimate and potentially dangerous body. Mirjam Gurtner's latest work combines dance, visual arts and music to create an interdisciplinary performance linked by instant composition. How much structure and how much freedom does a society need and can coexistence be rethought in play?
ACCESS: In collaboration with Berlin artists Xenia Taniko and Sophia Neises, PLAY is conceived as an accessible performance and the creation of access is anchored as a creative element in its own right. We offer haptic access tours and live audio description, as well as a relaxed performance format and strive for barrier-free communication.
Theater Roxy Birsfelden/Basel, 18/20/21 May 2021, 20h 24 May 2021, 18h, live audio description / relaxed performance 25 May 2021, 20h, live audio description
CREDITS Artistic direction/Choreography: Mirjam Gurtner Creation/Performance: Aly Khamees, Diethild Meier, Makisig, Michael Kaddu Music: Jana Sotzko. Scenography: Lisa Premke Lighting: Aurora Rodriguez Costumes: Nic Tillein Dramaturgy: Maya Weinberg Access: Xenia Taniko (live audiodescription) Sophia Neises (access audit/consultation) Production: Pascal Moor, Production assistance: Kyra Kuszlik, Nora Müller
Co-produced by Theater ROXY Birsfelden and 48-Stunden-Neukölln Festival Berlin
Supported by Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater BS/BL, Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung, Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS, Stiftung Corymbo
©Matthias Wäckerlin
@Saki Tagami / Theater ROXY Birsfelden