sit stand lie / push pull stroke (PLAY I)
©Saki Tagami, 2020
©Saki Tagami, 2020
How can we experience touch without touching? Which encounter do we allow in a time of physical limitation? sit stand lie / push pull stroke is an object series and site-specific dance performance. Developed by artist Lisa Premke and choreographer Mirjam Gurtner in collaboration with dance artists Diethild Meier, Yeonji Han and Alistair Watts for the Kesselhaus of the KINDL Centre for Contemporary Art, it marks the starting point of their two-year research on different states of play and their influence on our behaviour. The protective measures introduced against Covid-19, in constant flux and renegotiated, limit and open up the physical and spatial possibilities of play for the bodies, objects and their relationship to the audience. Can regulation be transformed into a game? The flood of digital information is countered by the immediacy of the real, vulnerable and potentially dangerous body. Dance, sound and objects are connected through instant composition and the play with sensation to create a performance installation that seeks the proximity of the audience and the singularity of the moment.
48-Stunden-Neukölln 2020,
Saturday 20 June 2020, 2pm - 5pm Sunday, 21 June 2020, 2pm - 5pm
KINDL Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Kesselhaus, Am Sudhaus 3 , 12053 Berlin,
Objects and Acoustics: Lisa Premke Artistic direction Performance: Mirjam Gurtner Creation and Performance: Diethild Meier, Yeonji Han, Alistair Watts Costumes: Mirjam Spoolder
Production: Pascal Moor / Spring Production Co-produced by 48-Stunden-Neukölln
Kindly supported by Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater BS/BL, 48-Stunden-Neukölln/Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln e.V.
©Saki Tagami, 2020