TraumWandeln XXIV, II
© Amirali Ghaff. performers: Lise Chevalier, Mirjam Gurtner
One space. One night. Within the time of a sleep cycle with the language of dance and visual arts we are looking for the encounter of dream and reality. Falling asleep. Waking up.
During the 24 hours of a day two artists explore the back and forth between dream and reality, are searching for the emergence of the one in the other. A private laboratory during the day, the space becomes public during the 12 hours of the night. This time is divided into the familiar sleep phases. Following their rhythm, moments of sleep, waking up and action interlink, codetermined by the audience.
A collaboration with visual artist Lise Chevalier
25 June 2010, 48-Stunden-Neukölln Festival 2010, Berlin (12 hour performance installation)
6 November 2010, Nacht und Nebel Festival 2010, Berlin (6 hour performance installation)